1. The information in the Directory page is not up-to-date. How do I update my particulars?
    - Email to webadmin@sarawakadvocates.com.my your updated particulars on your letterhead together with branch membership receipt.

  2. I am a Commissioner for Oaths / Notary Public/ Syariah Counsel but my name is not in the Directory page.
    - Email to webadmin@sarawakadvocates.com.my your appointment/re-appointment together with branch membership receipt.

  3. Some of the advocates in my firm are not listed in the Directory page. My name/firm is missing from the Directory page. What should I do?
    - This Directory page search facility only contains the information of those advocates who are members of the Association with valid practising certificates and presently practising under a firm registered with the Association. If you are a member of the Association, email to webadmin@sarawakadvocates.com.my your updated particulars on your letterhead together with branch membership receipt.

  4. My Datoship/ Datukship/ Doctorate title is not reflected in the Directory page.
    - The data is based on the name as stated in the Malaysian Identity Card.