
Click below to be directed to specific pages:

Press Statements
Press Statements from the Association

News & Events
Association's participation and involvement in various events.

Inquiry Committee
Established pursuant to the Advocates (Inquiry Committee) Rules 2014 of the Advocates Ordinance [Sarawak Cap 110] to regulate the hearing and investigation of matters before or by an Inquiry Committee.

Complaints for Professional Misconduct
Click here for further information on how to lodge complaints against advocates.

Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan (YBGK)
Require legal advice on criminal matters but have limited financial means? Find more about your option here.

Seeking for an alternative to resolve disputes? Consider Alternative Dispute Resolution!

Legal Aid Services
We look forward to serve the public and to establish a more comprehensive Legal Aid Scheme in Sarawak. [Under Construction]

Looking for a job? Click here!

Useful Links
[Under Construction]