
Invitation to Provide Feedback on the Draft Code of Practice for Advocates & Solicitors


Dear Members, 

The Bar Council's Ad Hoc Committee on Personal Data Protection has drafted a Code of Practice for Advocates & Solicitors. Objective of the Code of Practice is to set out requirements expected of law firms when handling personal data. 

The Malaysian Bar intends to issue the Code of Practice jointly with the Advocates Association of Sarawak and the Sabah Law Society as the data user forums for legal services pursuant to s.23 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA) and after obtaining the requisite approvals under PDPA. 

We invite all members of the AAS to please provide feedback on the draft Code of Practice by replying to this email on or before 22.09.2023. 

Thank you + Best regards,
Honorary Secretary
The Advocates Association of Sarawak