
Practicing as an Advocate in 2025


Dear Advocates,

Please be reminded that until and unless you have been issued with a Practising Certificate for the year 2025, you cannot act as an Advocate on 1st January 2025 including appearing in Courts and handling conveyancing transaction.

Please also be informed that there are instances where Advocates who practice as an Advocate without a valid current Practising Certificate have been struck off the Roll of Advocates or suspended from practice for 5 to 7 years.

The above is a reminder that you must have a valid current Practising Certificate before you act as an Advocate.

Please submit your application for your Practising Certificate to the Registrar through the e-KSS and your application for your Letter of No Objection to AAS Central at the soonest possible, if you have not done so.

In the meantime, you may check for the status of Advocate's respective Practising Certificate at this link:

Thank you + Best regards,
Honorary Secretary
The Advocates Association of Sarawak